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milk_shake intros & kits

(19 Items)
  • 163986 KIT-ZC-241123 KIT-ZC-241123 1 light catcher moonlight + developer kit 3 pc. milk_shake milk_shake light catcher moonlight + developer kit 3 pc. False milk_shake/nd24milkshakestarlightmoonlightpromo.jpg Bonus Deal Available 45.00 45.00 45.00 False True False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake light catcher moonlight + developer kit includes lightener and developer.
    2 light catcher moonlight 17.64 oz.
    Receive FREE:
    1 oxidizing emulsion 20 vol. Liter
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake light catcher moonlight + developer kit 3 pc.

    light catcher moonlight + developer kit

    3 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-241123

    Bonus Offer
    Promotional ItemLog in to view pricing.
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  • 163985 KIT-ZC-241122 KIT-ZC-241122 1 light catcher starlight + developer kit 3 pc. milk_shake milk_shake light catcher starlight + developer kit 3 pc. False milk_shake/nd24milkshakestarlightpromo.jpg Bonus Deal Available 42.00 42.00 42.00 False True False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake light catcher starlight + developer kit includes lightening powder and developer.
    2 light catcher starlight 17.64 oz.
    Receive FREE:
    1 oxidizing emulsion 20 vol. Liter
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake light catcher starlight + developer kit 3 pc.

    light catcher starlight + developer kit

    3 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-241122

    Bonus Offer
    Promotional ItemLog in to view pricing.
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  • 164610 KIT-ZC-240235 KIT-ZC-240235 1 9 minutes color Salon Intro 50 pc. milk_shake milk_shake 9 minutes color Salon Intro 50 pc. False milk_shake/milkshake9minutesalonintrosb.jpg Bonus Deal Available 134.50 134.50 134.50 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake 9 minutes color Salon Intro includes colors, emulsion, and color support tools. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake 9 minutes color Salon Intro 50 pc.

    9 minutes color Salon Intro

    50 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240235

    Bonus Offer
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  • 105102 KIT-ZC-240234 KIT-ZC-240234 1 9 minutes color stylist deal 18 pc. milk_shake milk_shake 9 minutes color stylist deal 18 pc. False milk_shake/milkshake9minutescolorstylistdeal.jpg Bonus Deal Available 50.00 50.00 50.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake 9 minute stylist deal includes colors, emulsion, and merchandising items. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake 9 minutes color stylist deal 18 pc.

    9 minutes color stylist deal

    18 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240234

    Bonus Offer
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  • 105101 KIT-ZC-240233 KIT-ZC-240233 1 9 minutes try me kit 9 pc. milk_shake milk_shake 9 minutes try me kit 9 pc. False milk_shake/milkshake9minutestrymekit2023.jpg Bonus Deal Available 42.00 42.00 42.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake 9 minutes try me kit includes color, emulsion, and merchandise.
    5 9 minutes permanent color 3.4 oz.
    Includes 1 of Each Shade: 4.0, 6.0, 5.14, 6.35, 7.6
    1 creative oxidizing emulsion 10 vol. cream activator Liter
    1 9 minutes color paper chart
    1 9 minutes color technical book
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake 9 minutes try me kit 9 pc.

    9 minutes try me kit

    9 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240233

    Bonus Offer
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  • 90776 KIT-ZC-240244 KIT-ZC-240244 1 color specifics intro 6 pc. milk_shake milk_shake color specifics intro 6 pc. False milk_shake/mscolorspecificsdeal.jpg Bonus Deal Available 78.00 78.00 78.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake color specifics intro includes shampoo, conditioner, sealer, remover, equalizer, and protector.
    Includes 1 Each:
    color specifics color sealing shampoo Liter
    color specifics color sealing conditioner Liter
    color specifics acid color sealer 6.8 oz.
    color specifics powerful protector 6.8 oz.
    color specifics instant remover 8.4 oz.
    color specifics pro color equalizer 8.4 oz.
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake color specifics intro 6 pc.

    color specifics intro

    6 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240244

    Bonus Offer
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  • 91064 KIT-ZC-240226 KIT-ZC-240226 1 creative color stylist deal 16 pc. milk_shake milk_shake creative color stylist deal 16 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakecreativecolorstylistdeal2023.jpg Bonus Deal Available 24.20 24.20 24.20 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake creative color stylist deal includes color shades, activators, and a swatch chart.
    12 creative permanent color shades 3.4 oz. (Your Choice)
    3 creative oxidizing emulsion 20 vol. cream activator Liter
    1 medium swatch chart
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake creative color stylist deal 16 pc.

    creative color stylist deal

    16 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240226

    Bonus Offer
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  • 36307 KIT-ZC-240225 KIT-ZC-240225 1 creative color try me kit 8 pc. milk_shake milk_shake creative color try me kit 8 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakecreativecolortrymekit2023.jpg Bonus Deal Available 42.00 42.00 42.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake creative color try me kit includes color, emulsion, and merchandising items.
    5 creative permanent color shades 3.4 oz.
    Includes 1 of Each Shade: 5.0, 4.31, 6.66, 7.43, 8.11
    1 creative oxidizing emulsion 20 vol. cream activator Liter
    1 brochure
    1 paper swatch chart
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake creative color try me kit 8 pc.

    creative color try me kit

    8 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240225

    Bonus Offer
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  • 75821 KIT-ZC-240228 KIT-ZC-240228 1 creative experience 117 pc. milk_shake milk_shake creative experience 117 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakecreativeexperience2023.jpg Bonus Deal Available 367.00 367.00 367.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake creative experience includes color, emulsion, sealer, protector, equalizer, remover, shampoo, conditioner, swatch chart, scale, book, bowls, and brushes. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake creative experience 117 pc.

    creative experience

    117 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240228

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  • 162717 KIT-ZC-240223 KIT-ZC-240223 1 light catcher spotlight lift & balance intro 12 pc. milk_shake milk_shake light catcher spotlight lift & balance intro 12 pc. False milk_shake/msliftandbalancespotlightintro.jpg Bonus Deal Available 59.00 59.00 59.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake light catcher spotlight lift & balance intro includes color, developer, and support tools. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake light catcher spotlight lift & balance intro 12 pc.

    light catcher spotlight lift & balance intro

    12 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240223

    Bonus Offer
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  • 162718 KIT-ZC-240224 KIT-ZC-240224 1 light catcher spotlight lightener intro 14 pc. milk_shake milk_shake light catcher spotlight lightener intro 14 pc. False milk_shake/mslightcatcherspotlightlightenerintro.jpg Bonus Deal Available 132.00 132.00 132.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake light catcher spotlight lightener intro includes lightener, activator, toner, and brochure. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake light catcher spotlight lightener intro 14 pc.

    light catcher spotlight lightener intro

    14 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240224

    Bonus Offer
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  • 91066 KIT-ZC-240239 KIT-ZC-240239 1 smoothies experience 81 pc. milk_shake milk_shake smoothies experience 81 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakesmoothiesexperience.jpg Bonus Deal Available 281.50 281.50 281.50 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shakes smoothies experience includes semi permanent color shades, emulsions, color sealer, shampoo, conditioner, merchandising items, and color tools. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake smoothies experience 81 pc.

    smoothies experience

    81 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240239

    Bonus Offer
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  • 75826 KIT-ZC-240238 KIT-ZC-240238 1 smoothies salon deal 45 pc. milk_shake milk_shake smoothies salon deal 45 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakesmoothiescolorsalondeal.jpg Bonus Deal Available 96.00 96.00 96.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake smoothies salon deal includes colors, emulsion, and merchandising items. False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake smoothies salon deal 45 pc.

    smoothies salon deal

    45 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240238

    Bonus Offer
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  • 91081 KIT-ZC-240237 KIT-ZC-240237 1 smoothies stylist deal 17 pc. milk_shake milk_shake smoothies stylist deal 17 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakesmoothiescolorstylistdeal.jpg Bonus Deal Available 20.40 20.40 20.40 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake smoothies stylist deal includes color, emulsion, color swatch chart, and technical book.
    12 smoothies semi permanent color 3.4 oz. (Your Choice)
    3 smoothies activating emulsion Liter
    1 smoothies semi permanent color swatch chart
    1 technical book
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake smoothies stylist deal 17 pc.

    smoothies stylist deal

    17 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240237

    Bonus Offer
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  • 91059 KIT-ZC-240236 KIT-ZC-240236 1 smoothies try me kit 9 pc. milk_shake milk_shake smoothies try me kit 9 pc. False milk_shake/milkshakesmoothiescolortrymekit2023.jpg Bonus Deal Available 42.00 42.00 42.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 milk_shake smoothies try me kit includes color, emulsion, and merchandising items.
    6 smoothies semi permanent color 3.4 oz. (Preselected)
    Includes 1 of Each Shade: 5, 6.66, 7, 7.43, 9.1, 10.117
    1 smoothies activating emulsion Liter
    1 paper swatch chart
    1 technical book
    False Log in to view pricing. False
    milk_shake smoothies try me kit 9 pc.

    smoothies try me kit

    9 pc.

    SKU KIT-ZC-240236

    Bonus Offer
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(19 Items)